Scorching the Garden 2022
May PT 1
The weather has broken and we’re ready to plant, well almost ready. There’s a few things to do to get the plots ready, as in everything still.

Last autumn, we put the garden supplies into the deepest recesses of our storage container along with cardboard that we picked up along the way during the winter months.
We loaded up what we could into the Scorch wagon and headed out to the plot.
We had covered the chips with some plastic sheeting as best we could. It rained very heavily for about 4 days, so it really didn’t matter, but it’s the thought that counts.
To give you a better idea of the scale of that pile, that sheet of plastic is 10×25. Just eyeballing it, i think we are gonna want another load.

We set up the fence posts and cardboard, then moved the mulch over it. Section by section, wheel barrow by wheel barrow, we mash down whatever is there and carpet it with overlapping sheets of cardboard, then cover that with a thick layer of fresh, raw wood chips.
As you can see, there aren’t many weeds to fight. Remember, none of this gets tilled or plowed.
The massive pile of chips held a few surprises. A few bundles of sticks that weren’t chipped, several short logs, and to our delight, a familiar face.
Sir Hops-A-Lot came to visit again to offer his Toad Services. Of course, we take him up on his offer to protect the plot and he hopped away. One more reason and proof of #NoPoisonousCrap in our gardens.

After a full day of hauling and shoveling and spreading, we got the first plot covered. And yes, we are gonna want another load of chips.
We got a lot done, but there’s still a lot to do. The goal is to have everything ready to go into the ground by the end of the month.
Do you enjoy the burn?
[ C L I C K H E R E ]