Scorching the Garden 2022
April PT 2
Back in the nursery and test garden, things are popping up and bidding winter a farewell. Soon, we’ll be outside full time, growing and enjoying.

Some of the peppers are getting pretty big. A few of the milder hots are starting to flower and fruit. Babies having babies. That’s fine. We want lots of peppers.
The herbs are beginning to green up. In a couple of weeks, they’ll be ready for a first harvest. Don’t mind the turtle things. They complain about everything.

When we last visited the plot, we brought back a few buckets of compost for transplanting our plants. Not only did they recover from their transplanting, they really took off. Compost prevents and cures so many plant issues. Go get yourself some.
The plants are being hardened off first spending a week of days in shaded areas and nights being brought inside. They then spent a few hours in direct sunlight and rotated into the shade when the leaves started to wilt.
A flat of cayenne, serrano, wax, and a couple habanero and jalapenos (sittitng on a blue tote) were left out at night, exposed to snow, and put in sunlight as a test and surprisingly, the all survived. They are all significantly smaller than the plants that were brought in. All very interesting.

We headed back out to the plot to pick up more compost, and what do you know? I wonder where he’s going. Spoiler alert: That’s one of our loads of chips. We’ll talk about that next time.
We say this is Last Gasp for Air April because in May, we start getting really busy.
Do you enjoy the burn?
[ C L I C K H E R E ]