Scorching the Garden 2021
Part 1
We are celebrating our 3rd documented grow. Not much is going to change, but there is still a ton to learn. Let’s see if we can learn a few pounds.
We picked out our seeds from Baker’s Creek again, and as always, they came nice and quick. We are sticking with our tried and true Gang of 9 and planting even more than before.

Setting up the nursury is pretty routine at this point. Grab a few wire shelves and borrow some cardboard from the stockpile. We use the plasic we had last year, and hold it in place with binder clips. We also set up another level to hold even more herbs and peppers.
Normally, we have 9 nursury trays that hold 6 sets of 6 celled planters with enough room to fit 6 more planters. Thats 360 plants. Now we have space for 720.
The only things we had to buy this year for the nursury was soil and more garden trays, and of course seeds. Not using tape means it will disassemble easier and everything can be reused, except the cardboard. The cardboard gets composted in the garden.
So to recap how we do it:
Rinse seeds in hydrogen peroxide.
A folded piece of paper towel is stuffed at the bottom of a small jar and soaked with water and a splash of hydrogen peroxide.
Put seeds on towel in jar, label and put jar on a heat mat and wait a few days.
Some seeds are more stubborn than others. A sprout in a few days, others take nearly 3 weeks. This year, the Lemon Drops took the longest at 16 days.
When they sprout, stick them in some Lucky Dog and under the lights they go.

Normally, this is when we start to stress and worry that the seeds won’t germinate or the sprouts won’t take when transplanted, but we’ve been so busy, we just didn’t have time to.