What’s your heat level?
Our sauces start at beginner and go to just below weapons grade. They are made by hand with peppers that are grown naturally so from batch to batch, there will be variations of color, texture, and heat.
Get 'em while you can! We have plenty of everything now, but history has shown us, they wont last long.

Formula #1
(2 label graphics)
HEAT INDEX: 9.5/10
This is the original recipe that got us started. Ultra hot peppers with garlic and onion are blended with an herb-infused vinegar that features sage and basil-this is more than just a super hot red sauce.
We give this to people we like. We give this to people we don’t like. We make no apologies for this sauce. It is IGNORANTLY hot. The thing is, it has as much flavor as it does heat, which makes it hard to stop eating.
We are very proud of this sauce and want to hear all about how badly it burned you.
Autumn Harvest
(2 label graphics)
HEAT INDEX: 8.5/10
When shadows grow long and the wind carries a chill, the end of the season draws near. Before the first frost bitterly encases all that we love with a thin layer of deadly ice, we do a special, final harvest.
We pick every pepper that is left on the bushes, ripe or not, and put it in this batch.
Every pepper we grow, in every stage of development, is in this sauce. All the flavors that these peppers can produce are represented here. Like our other sauces, the flavors and texture will vary from year to year.
Due to the fact that some people are unable to control their impulses, bottles of Scorch Garden end up missing after sharing them with close friends or even family, in some tragic instances. Get a bottle for you, a back-up bottle to hide, and then one for the person who keeps stealing your sauces.
Smoked XXX
(2 label graphics)
We came up with this recipe in 2017 and are bringing it back as a permanent item. Inspired by Ode de Fumar, the BBQ scented cologne, not only can you smell like your food, but now you can eat what you smell like.
With the flavors similar to Autumn Harvest and nearly as hot as Formula #1, this smokey fireball of taste ignites chili, sends wings flying, and makes cheeze crackers taste like bacon cheeze crackers. True story. It’s freaking awesome.
Pineapple Ginger
(2 label graphics)
An amazing pairing of peppers and pineapple. Eye-catching in color and eye-watering in heat, this sauce is definitely one you want on your shelf, and your food.
Originally a one-off recipe for 2018, and now back for good.
** This year, PINEAPPLE GINGER is especially hot.
Ruby Flame
Sometimes, rare as they may be, you aren’t in the mood for a face melting experience, but you need your Scorch Garden. This sauce will take care of those needs and wants.
Made with the less dangerous members of the Gang of 9, Ruby Flame is what we think a national brand’s standard hot red sauce (that rhymes with ‘spanks’) should taste like. Compare ingredients.
*FYI we have loved that particular national brand’s standard hot red sauce (that rhymes with ‘wanks’) for over 30 years and have fond memories of doing shots of it at a teen.
“I don’t want something that’s going to melt my face and not have any flavor.”
This is something we hear far more often than we care to. After researching patterns and exploring dozens of other sauces, we understand where this all stems from, which also presents its own solution…
This is a cheap sauce issue.
We don’t use extracts, thickeners, or artificial anythings in our ultra hot sauces and #noPoisonousCrap in our gardens. One of our core values/mission statements is to ‘Create a clean, whole food’.
The peppers are hot and tasty enough on their own. They don’t need extracts. The garlic, onions, and herbs compliment the peppers perfectly. We’ll add the vinegar and blend and cook the mash until we get the consistency we want with all that concentrated flavor. And don’t get us started on food dyes or artificial preservatives. They have no place in our recipes either.
Extracts are cheap shortcut to make money and require preservatives, often times artificial to keep them from going rancid. You end up with an unnatural tasting liquid that is not clean or whole by our standards. Like tattoos and surgery, cheap food isn’t good and good food isn’t cheap.
All of our sauces are small, annual batches, so once they are gone, they are gone until next year. There are some sauces that we make even smaller amounts of.
Rorange Elixer
HEAT INDEX: 10+/10
This limited-edition sauce was created for the ‘hold my beer’ connoisseur. Over 70% pure pepper mash. NOT FOR BEGINNERS.
Brewed with only our hottest peppers and blended with a sparing amount of herb-infused vinegar, Rorange Elixer is pepper forward, and flaming on the back end (yours included).
Lemon Derp
HEAT INDEX: Nothing Too Scary
Lemon Drop and Datil peppers are brought together for this limited-edition sauce. Only one run is made of this sauce, so when its gone, it won’t be back until next year.
Aji Lemon Drop peppers are a Swedish Fish shaped pepper with bright yellow flesh. Fruity and hot with citrus notes, they pair perfectly with the pumpkin orange Datil peppers. Datils are mildly spicy.
The FULL MONTY is one of each of our sauces in one place, including the flavors we don’t offer online. From mildest to hottest, left to right, this is the full gauntlet. Label graphics may vary.
Monsieur Taco is our taco sauce. Its mild enough to use with abandon, but hotter than what you’ll find at a chain taco joint.
Pizza Boss is a special blend of tomatoes, peppers, and pizza spices. It only to be used on pizza, the Boss says so. Don’t be a wizeguy.
Super Hot Intense Taste is our showcase sauce with heat and flavor and spice and taste and its the best.