Scorch Garden is a producer of hot sauces and spice mixes, pop up take away, and catering.
It’s a combination of horticulture, food science, artistry, and information technology with a massive injection of ambition.
See how it all went down on Pittsburgh Today Live when Celina and Mikey brave the gauntlet. Please ignore my overuse of the word ‘absolutely’, now that i pointed it out.
Do you enjoy the burn?
[ C L I C K H E R E ]
Our sauces are a blend of 9 different peppers, aged with garlic and onions, and given an herb-infused vinegar backbone. The spiciness starst at beginner and goes to just below weapons grade. We have sauces that have we have ultra hots and a few mild/medium hots as well. What’s your heat level?
Scorching the Garden
Do you know where the peppers in our sauces come from? We’re proud of our gardens, so we document and share our journey from seed to harvest with you. Follow along with our ups and downs and the fun we have, and if you’re not careful, you just might learn something.
About Us
Our sauces are formulated with the advanced addict in mind. Amateur hour is over. We take what we do very seriously. And to create the perfect sauce, we keep everything pure, practical, and over the top.
We never use any pesticides, weed killers, fungicides, or commercial fertilizers in our gardens. Only cardboard/newspapers, remineralized organic compost, and raw shredded wood chips. We also have a wonderful Mennonite community that grows for us, because we trust them.
CLICK HERE to see how we’re Scorching the Garden and if you don’t like to poison your garden with, well, poison, then pass along our UNIQUE (noone uses it) hashtag with what you are growing with #nopoisonouscrap!
They’re made from the hottest peppers – Carolina Reaper, Ghost Pepper, Trinidad Scorpion, Red Habanero, as well as, Cayenne, Mexican Serrano, Jalapeno, Hungarian Wax, and Greek Pepperoncini which are aged with garlic and onion and given an herb-infused vinegar backbone. We never use extracts, thickeners, artificial preservatives, or food dyes in our sauces.
They are outrageously hot and exceedingly flavorful.
We do offer some milder sauces as well.
Since there’s only one growing season per year, we can only do one production run per year. Available for a limited time late fall and early winter, once they’re gone, there won’t be any more until next year. Get ’em while you can. However, the more we grow, the more we can grow.
That also means from year to year, like vintage wines, the sauces take on a slightly different character based on pepper mixes, expressed phenotype(s), and growing conditions.
One facet of our artistic side creates a variety of graphic labels and nicknames for our sauces. Bottle art is a fun aspect of hot sauce collecting, and a part of the history of Scorch Garden is 20+ years of graphic design experience. So it only makes sense that we create a couple different designs for our 4 main sauces: Formula#1, Pineapple Ginger, Autumn Harvest, Smoked XXX.
From ominous to humorous, we really enjoyed putting together each label for you to collect. Some like the wacky, some prefer flames and skulls on their tables.
What’s ON the bottle doesn’t change what is IN the bottle.
From sprout to label, we’re involved every step of the way. We grow, harvest, wash, pack, blend, cook, bottle, and package ourselves. We know every pepper plant, every herb bunch, every garlic bulb-every bottle we put a cap on, we’re making sure the love and the quality are there.
Because of that, texture, heat intensity, and color will vary from batch to batch.
We never use extracts, added sugar, thickeners, artificial preservatives, or food dyes in our sauces. Our sauces are pure and sustainable from seed to bottle. They are naturally vegan and gluten-free.
We only use vegetables, vinegar, water, salt, garlic, onions, and herbs in our sauces. That makes Scorch Garden ultra hot hot sauces insanely hot and unbelievably tasty.
Here's a few other things that we would like to mention: