Scorching the Garden 2020 Part 5
This is the third documented grow for us and we are introducing a lot of new things this year. We have more hardware, better software, and the same growing plan that has worked for many years. As for the building, it has lots of potential and challenges, and what would seem to be potential challenges.
Grinding was next on the list after floor was taken down to concrete, but there were installs that needed to be removed still.
Room by room, sinks, shelves, and all other furnishings were taken out. What was worth salvaging was, and what was not reusable got pitched. Nearly all of the old fiberglass ceiling tiles were removed and are going to be replaced with new, easy to clean vinyl.

What felt like miles of wire was pulled out from above the ceiling tiles. Every room had an intercom and a phone line. It took hours to make sense of the rat’s nest and NOT cut the alarm wires. If someone were to make any kind of repair to the phone lines, how they could have made sense of any of this mess?
Found the corpse of some late 90’s networking tech. This beast of a parallel port was probably hooked up to a dot matrix printer for most of its sorry life.
It seems like every room still has a few more things to…
Now it’s starting to feel like home.
The to do list is getting shorter and we’re running out of things we can do ourselves. The next steps are going to be the biggest and the costliest. One fun aspect is picking out the equipment. That’s done ourselves, but is also one of the most expensive. We also have to decide what color(s) we want to make our floors. We’re talking to the designer and architect now to get the cook and dish rooms built out. Going over budget isn’t a big concern. If the money doesn’t exist, it doesn’t exist.
We’ll update the progress on the building next month.