Scorching the Garden 2020 Part 3
This is the third documented grow for us and we are introducing a lot of new things this year. We have more hardware, better software, and the same growing plan that has worked for many years. Last time, at the grow, we had just gotten our seeds and set the up for germination and with the success of quick sprouts, we set up another batch. This time we made some adjustments…
After washing and sanitizing the jars, we soaked the seeds in hydrogen peroxide for a few minutes to sterilize them and soften the outer shell. A few sets of seeds that we did this to generated a teenie amount of foam that disappeared quickly. Does this mean that there was something on the outside that reacted? Does it mean it penetrated the shell? Further research will need to be done.

While the seeds were soaking, a half of a paper towel was stuffed at the bottom of a jar and soaked with water mixed with hydrogen peroxide. This made a little pucker of paper. We pulled that out, and turned it upside down.
Now its a nice little bed with no wrinkles for seeds to get trapped in.
We put a paper towel over another jar and pour the soaking seeds onto it to place into the jar with the bed. This round, we set up another 5 kinds of peppers for this year’s garden.
Tune in next time for the answers to these and other questions.

We filled up the starter cells with Lucky Dog from Fox Farms. This is the only time we use anything like this. Its made of peat moss and perlite with mycorrhizae. Fox Farm makes good products that a lot of trusted growers use. Once cube filled all 360+ cells with plenty left over. We wet the growing medium with a water and hydrogen peroxide and put our lights on them. The temperature stays below 80 and above 70, which is exactly what a warm spring day would be. A day after putting sprouted seeds in, we have emergence!