Scorching the Garden 2020 Part 15
This is the third documented grow for us and we are introducing a lot of new things this year. We have more hardware, better software, and the same growing plan that has worked for many years. We are in our final stretch for this year’s grow. Every week we pull about a bushel from our gardens. Let’s take a peek at what’s going on.

In just a few short weeks, this stage of our sauce making will be closed. The days are sunny and cooler with the nights getting chilly and covering everything with dew early in the evening. There have been some frosts south of us which is keeping us watching the weather and hoping for the best. Its been a while since its rained and we’ve had to do a watering but at this point in the season, what’s the point? Most growers have shut down already.
Some plants look really nice, some, look the same as they did in June. Curse you 2020! You had to go and crap on plants too, huh? Either way, a good amount of the happier plants are loaded with yummy pods of fire. A good amount are ripe with an even gooder amount ready to ripen. Looks like there’s gonna be a lot of Green Recipe and Green Habanero and Friends this year.
There are a few places where weeds came through, but not many. Mostly around the fence. Next year, there will be even fewer. We’ll let them do their thing over winter, then we’ll drown them again in wood chips.

And holy crap, we got a frost. We were hoping to be able to avoid this until sometime in November, but you know, 2020 and all. The smaller, punier plants didn’t fare well at all. The tops of all the pushes were damaged, but the interiors were insulated enough that they were fine, just not ripe.
The haul was a decent one. Good thing too, its one of the last. We can’t wait to see how Autumn Harvest turns out this year. It always turns out as the best tasting sauce we make.
We’ll be wrapping things up next week and taking down the fencing and all the other big items. This year’s grow is what it is/was. We expanded, experimented, and learned. Next year will the that much better. We hope…