Scorching the Garden 2019 Part 7
Every year we grow the peppers and garlic and onions and herbs to make our sauces. Every year we try something new that we hope is better. We ditch something that doesn’t work out. And we repeat and refine those things that promote the completion of our goals. Follow along and steal all our ideas as we Scorch the Garden in 2019.
August has been a rush so far. The temperatures have finally lifted and the peppers can stop being so stressed. We are still a good 3 weeks behind, but hopefully, things will take a turn for the better.

The plants have bounced back a bit after the application of compost and a more aggressive watering campaign. We are now giving each plant about a half gallon twice a week, plus whatever extra the rain can give us.
FYI-water is HEAVY! Next year, we will be using more hoses and electric pumps. In fact, everything is heavy. I predict one of those wagons with the off-road tires will be part of the garden equipment next year along with 2x as many rain barrels.
There are a few Serrano plants that seem to have grown a fuzz. They are otherwise normal, but the stems and leaves have super fine hairs growing out of them. Its hard to see in the photograph because the camera thought the plant was out of focus.
It will be interesting to see what the peppers are like. I doubt they will be fuzzy, but the flavor may be different than the others.

It takes about 2 hours to water the gardens by hand. We like to do it in the late afternoon/early evening. Sometimes by the time we are done, its dark.
Lately, as the sun goes down, the garden floor begins to move. Turns out, Sir Hops-a-Lot is on duty, taking out any bugs that might be trying to eat our plants. Sir Hops-A-Lot Toad Services are top-notch providers of toad and toad related services. They are famous for hopping (a lot), eating bugs, and other toad things. So remember, when you think of toad services, think of the Sir Hops-A-Lot crew.
So far the only harvests we’ve had are garlic, onions, some tomatoes, and lots of herbs. This year, since we are still expanding, we decided to put together some new spice rubs with incredible ingredients.
No spoilers yet, but all of our dry spice blends will be SALT FREE from now on. We will continue with our original 3 and adding 3 more. Because of such large demand, we are partnering up with a local spice vendor to help meet our dry spice needs. Watch for that soon.