Scorching the Garden 2019 Part 5
Every year we grow the peppers and garlic and onions and herbs to make our sauces. Every year we try something new that we hope is better. We ditch something that doesn’t work out. And we repeat and refine those things that promote the completion of our goals. Follow along and steal all our ideas as we Scorch the Garden in 2019.
During the month of June, we put all the plants in, mulched the whole lot, and stuck a bunch of bamboo poles in the ground. We set up 2 large rain catchers for our 55 gallon drums and were able to find 2 barrel pumps that fit. Things are growing slow, but if we look back to last year, things were all that much bigger.

Our first plot has 102 spots which are an unlabeled hodge podge of peppers and a scattering of herbs and tomatoes. We don’t have enough bamboo at this point to stake everything yet, so plot #1 will have to wait.
The second plot is bigger than plot #1. At last count, there are 120 spaces in this one. I think we are gonna need a bigger rain catcher. We had almost enough bamboo to give everyone a pole.
We have been getting a good amount of rain, but not enough, of course. These rain barrels are a life saver. They have yet to fill completely and get emptied every time the garden gets watered.
Watering is pretty much all the action that is going on, again. The cardboard wasn’t overlapped as tightly in some areas so a few weeds have popped up. Mint being one of the more prevalent. At least they smell good when they are picked.

We have been able to do some small harvests of herbs. Initially, the herbs were only for the sauces, but are now also part of our pepper dust spice mixes. The pepper dusts will be available in late 2019.
We plant Thai basil, two varieties of green leaf basil, lime basil, English and common thyme, flat leaf parsley, a few oreganoes, dill, and KALE.
Dried kale can be used like you would parsley. It’s darker, sturdier, and has an earthy flavor rather than the green taste of parsley. Kale also has hints of salt in its flavor profile. It’s incredible when used as a seasoning.
Kale is on the left and the parsley is on the right. Watch for it in an upcoming dust(s).