Garden at a Glance 2019
2019 was another year of growth. Plants and production. We doubled our growing space and scorched two more plots. So many days of hard work are now chiseled down to just one page. It’s easy to forget how much trudging, and digging, and lifting had to be done for this to be successful. So easy, that we do it every year, forgetting just how much work it is to haul about 200 buckets full of compost, and the set up is almost HALFWAY done.
We jumped on June like we were Junebugs jumping on grape vines. We hit the ground running and had the garden ready in a week. This required many naps, several showers, and a few days of not moving at all to recover.
Warm days, with very cool nights made us nervous. This was our last month to grow. Shortly after Halloween, there was a frost that killed all the plants. We were able to harvest a good amount despite the couple of hiccups we had. The peanuts we threw under the cardboard in June grew and we’ll be planting them again next year.
Those sweltering hot days under the blazing sun with cool breezes being the only relieve are gone. Long shadows and cuttingly frigid winds have taken over and the garden will slumber for a season. To prepare our plots, we clear out the big stuff and tuck the beds in for their winter’s sleep with a blanket of manure from a local stable. This is also when we plant our garlic and spread leftover herb seeds that may or may not sprout next year.