Scorching the Garden 2018 Part VI
Follow along as we Scorch the Garden for our 2018 season. From seed to harvest, we document the growing of the peppers for our 2018 batch, available in December 2018. This is a big year for us and we want everyone to be a part of it. And this is Part 6.

We have been having some pretty nice harvests as of late. And late is the operative word-ish. There were some early things too. We got in the ground late, but the early high heat days set us back. This year, the harvest moon was much earlier than last year (September 24/25, 2018-October 5, 2017) but these later warm days are keeping us in the pepper game.
The super hots are finally ripening. We upped our harvest schedule to twice a week. One less thing to worry about and at the same time, one more thing to worry about.
For a while, we were worried about not having enough peppers. That was replaced with not having enough space to store the peppers.
Part of our 2018 expansion plan was to increase our freezer space, which we did, but ended up having to get another one. The funny thing is, we are going to have twice the land next year than we have this year, so it looks like we’ll be freezer shopping again in about 10 months.

With the weeds around the plot getting thicker and higher and a lot of other growers are wrapping things up, we are getting more and more visitors in our garden.
From the looks of it, either a tornado came through and touched down in a few places or a deer took a tour, ate a scorpion, and took off screaming. Nothing is dead really, just knocked over. I found no droppings to speak of, so i’m not going to rule out a tornado.
Tomato cages may not be the best way to go.
With Haloween being our final harvest deadline, and with it technically being fall, we are both down to the wire and on borrowed time. Any day now, the nighttime temperature can drop and all the leaves fall off the bushes. When that happens, it’s a mad dash to pick everything.
Days being shorter combined with the fact that it’s going to take a few hours to tear everything down and get the big stuff into the compost pile; we are looking down the barrel of a mega crunch.